Carpet Bag Replica, inspired by Mary Poppins
Custom carpet, suede, leather, plywood
Mary Poppins is my favorite film, and I was fascinated by her carpet bag at a young age. I had previously made several attempts to replicate the famous bag, but due to missing key materials my replicas were never truly accurate. In July of 2020, I was contacted by California artist Saith Bravo, (who knew of my bag attempts) and we immediately hit it off.
Saith was able to find a supplier to print custom carpets, the key to the perfect bag. Using auction photos of the original film prop, I pieced together the full floral pattern in Photoshop. I also created the pattern to sew the bag along with custom leather handles and buckles, an art form I had never explored before.
Between the hours of research and the physical struggle to fit carpet into a sewing machine, this was a labor of love and a testament to my favorite film. I was truly shocked by the number of skills I acquired from this seemingly simple bag, and grateful for the friendship I made along the way.